Relaxing your views on how your child should be brought up and allowing him or her some room to act out, be themselves and feel accepted and secure in their individuality can do wonders for your child's wellbeing and your relationship with them.
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Skip to contentRelaxing your views on how your child should be brought up and allowing him or her some room to act out, be themselves and feel accepted and secure in their individuality can do wonders for your child's wellbeing and your relationship with them.
Every parent wants to keep germs away from their child, but experts suggest some exposure is actually healthy. Click to learn more.
Bullying is a serious issue and one that can be deeply distressing to children. Click to learn more about the issue and how to deal with it if your child is a victim.
The incidence of myopia, or nearsightedness, is increasing in school children and is a global concern. A recent study suggests that sunlight may help.
Here are a few everyday things we take for granted today that were huge breakthroughs that help our children's lives tremendously.
Your child has been begging for a dog, should you give in? There are many good reasons to get a pet for kids. Click to learn more.
Being adept at handling money is a key life skill that promotes savings, teaches budgeting and is essential to having a comfortable and successful adult life. You can start teaching kids while they're still young. Click to learn more.
With the onslaught of different types of technology, it may be hard to get your kids off the […]
A simple eye exam at age 6 is a good predictor of whether a child will develop myopia later. Click to read more.
650 million Nirodh condoms are distributed each year, but the dull, text-only packaging lacks sex appeal. The Indian government is about to change that. Click to read more.