The government plans to allow child labour in family businesses, such as bidi-making, if it does not disrupt their education, but child activists are skeptical. Click to read more.
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Skip to contentThe government plans to allow child labour in family businesses, such as bidi-making, if it does not disrupt their education, but child activists are skeptical. Click to read more.
Researchers have found that under the right conditions, a shorter amount of time spent on homework helps students do better on standardized tests. Click to read more.
Research shows that genes play a large role in determining personality. A new study finds that motivation to study is also genetic. Click to read more.
Because children’s immunities are still developing, they are more prone to disease complicated by air pollution. Parents need to be vigilant in monitoring their children's respiratory health.
Children who shared a computer in school were more likely to do better than those who each had their own device or those with no device at all. Click to learn more.
The government has released a report on which skilled jobs that will be most in demand between now and 2022. Click to find out!
Prerna Puri spoke to Kumar Prudipto, who works with Krishan Mohan Maharaj, the head of the National Institute of Kathak Dance, about Indian classical dance.
Bullying has a strong negative effect on children's self-esteem and mental well-being that can take years to overcome
With poor knowledge of nutrition, villagers don't know what their bodies need in order to be healthy and deficiency diseases.
Parents have been encouraged to read to their children. New brain imaging shows that it really does help. Click to learn more.
A new study claims that being rich or poor can actually be alter the anatomy of the brain. Click to read more.
Children's reading skills drop over summer holidays, even though they are assigned books to read. But kids who choose their books improve reading skills. Click to learn more.
Getting children to pay attention in class for long periods is a challenge for any teacher, but giving them standing desks seems to help. Click to read more.
A shortened school work week allows kids to spend more time at home, freeing up space for extracurricular activities and necessary free time. However, the timings will be hell on kids and adults.
Exposure to women scientists in classrooms and workplaces is raising awareness that women belong to science just as much as men.
European children are the most satisfied with their friendships. African kids are the happiest with their school life. South Korean kids think life sucks. Here are the happiest countries according to kids.
When it comes to CBSE results, there is no difference between a kid who scores 90 and one who scores 95. This has to be accepted by the parents and students.
Schools must make sure children are not burdened by heavy backpacks full of text books, exercise books, lunch boxes, stationery and water bottles.
A majority of teenagers look online for health information. Click to learn more.
Click to know more about math anxiety and how it could be hampering your child’s performance.
Not all children are born with the ability to read facial expressions, but they can be taught how. Click to learn more.