With a process that drags on for years, child adoption in India has slowed down drastically. Click to read more.
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Skip to contentWith a process that drags on for years, child adoption in India has slowed down drastically. Click to read more.
A study indicates that children who have ADHD learn better when then fidget. Click to read more.
Mothers who are unable to breast-feed their child can now turn to milk banks in India. Click to read more.
Sex education includes more than just teaching how to have intercourse, and it can prevent abuse, infections and pregnancies. Click to read more.
Children who display higher levels of self control are likely to spend 40% less time unemployed as adults. Click to learn more.
A lack of fatty acids found in fish can lead to limited brain development during fetal growth and early in life. Click to read more.
Studies find that kids who show empathy are more popular and can make friends with less effort. Click to read more.
While India faces a huge challenge in tackling childhood malnutrition, there has been no new nutrition data for over a decade. Click to read more.
Surprising as it may seem, doctors recommend continuing to breastfeed while sick. Click to read more.
Children who experience psychological stress caused by death, divorce or tragedy could be three times as likely to develop childhood diabetes. Click to read more.
As your baby gets a older, naps may interfere with with night-time sleep and become counter-productive. Click to read more.
If you notice that your child seems withdrawn or is short-tempered, it could be because she is not getting enough free time. Click to read more.
When it comes to deciding when your child is ready for a mobile phone, there are a a few points to consider. Click to learn more.
As the summer heat is about to set upon India, FamiLife presents a brief guide to dressing children appropriately.
Making time for kids is difficult, but even a little can go a long way. Click to read about some ways to find quality time together.
Cases like the 2013 deaths of 22 school children from tainted food are tragic, extreme examples of India's food safety issues. Click to read more.
Relaxing your views on how your child should be brought up and allowing him or her some room to act out, be themselves and feel accepted and secure in their individuality can do wonders for your child's wellbeing and your relationship with them.
Every parent wants to keep germs away from their child, but experts suggest some exposure is actually healthy. Click to learn more.
Bullying is a serious issue and one that can be deeply distressing to children. Click to learn more about the issue and how to deal with it if your child is a victim.
The incidence of myopia, or nearsightedness, is increasing in school children and is a global concern. A recent study suggests that sunlight may help.
Here are a few everyday things we take for granted today that were huge breakthroughs that help our children's lives tremendously.