Your child has been begging for a dog, should you give in? There are many good reasons to get a pet for kids. Click to learn more.
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Skip to contentYour child has been begging for a dog, should you give in? There are many good reasons to get a pet for kids. Click to learn more.
Being adept at handling money is a key life skill that promotes savings, teaches budgeting and is essential to having a comfortable and successful adult life. You can start teaching kids while they're still young. Click to learn more.
With the onslaught of different types of technology, it may be hard to get your kids off the […]
A simple eye exam at age 6 is a good predictor of whether a child will develop myopia later. Click to read more.
650 million Nirodh condoms are distributed each year, but the dull, text-only packaging lacks sex appeal. The Indian government is about to change that. Click to read more.
There is a growing amount of research now linking air pollution to poor health, including links with autism, schizophrenia and cognitive impairment. Now it appears that even fetuses are affected. Click to learn more.
Recent research across the country revealed that one out of every five elementary school teachers are under-qualified in India, with smaller states faring worse.
Though most parents been made to believe that a daily bath is necessary, skipping the shower now and then to keep the peace is no big deal.
A study in India concluded that with the right treatment, an autistic child's ability to communicate and interact can improve. Click to learn more.
The rights of children in India between 14-18 need to be strengthened says UNICEF. Click to read more.
Adolescence is a tough time for teens, and and for parents who must continue to guide their children while not alienating them. Click to read more about this challenging and rewarding phase.
When a child complains about a stomach ache, parents may get worried and wonder what they can do. Click to learn what to do and know when it may be serious.
A study found no evidence for concern over violent video games leading to aggressive behaviour in kids. However the amount of time spent on games did have an effect. Click to read more.