From simple changes to medical treatments, here are some suggestions that may help relieve heartburn during pregnancy.
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Skip to contentFrom simple changes to medical treatments, here are some suggestions that may help relieve heartburn during pregnancy.
We all know that shopping when hungry makes us more likely to make impulsive food purchases, especially junk food. It turns out that the opposite may also be true.
A key step towards making better food choices is to be able to understand nutritional labels on packaged food. Click to learn more.
Taking care of your teeth is one of the best investments of your time that you can make. Here are some simple tips to keeping your teeth tiptop.
Learn about the flu and its causes. Find out what the concern is with swine flu (H1N1).
Children as young as 4 years of age got happiness out of giving to others, and less well-off kids gave more often than kids from wealthy backgrounds.
A recent study found that a high protein afternoon snack, particularly soy foods, may reduce unhealthy evening snacking in teenagers, thereby preventing obesity.
Research has found that childhood obesity may be be caused by how they are being fed. Here are 5 ways to prevent obesity.
Eating even after a full meal, craving food high in sugar, fat or flour, guilt or shame--these are signs of a potential food addiction, which is a real behavioural disorder. Click to read more.
A well-functioning immune system protects you from a range of illnesses. Here are 7 simple ways in which you can keep your immune system healthy.
Many women feel guilt and shame when they miscarry, but according to the best medical research, women should not blame themselves. In most cases of miscarriage, there is nothing a woman can do to prevent it.
Parents can make children aware of junk food advertisements and regard them with a critical eye. That empowers children to make better choices. Click to learn more.
If you replace one serving of a sugary drink daily with water or unsweetened tea or coffee, you could lower diabetes risk, a study found. Click to read more.
If you are want to switch to a healthy lifestyle, rather than trying to change everything at once, make a few simple, realistic changes at a time.
Sitting at a desk all day is linked to a host of medical problems and even daily exercise doesn't help. There is one simple thing you can do. Stand at work. Click to learn more.
Brushing your teeth isn't enough to get rid of bacteria hiding between teeth. Flossing prevents teeth and gum decay and has other health benefits.
Heart disease is a general term that is used to describe many different medical conditions that can impact heart health. Click to learn more.
Cradle cap looks like patches of a yellowish to brown flaky or scaly substance present on an infant's scalp. This condition is common among young babies.
When it comes to exercise for elderly, even leisurely activities such as a walk, slow dancing and household chores could be beneficial. Click to learn more.
The monsoons brings welcome rain but also an increase in colds and flus. Click to learn how to protect yourself and your family from monsoon illnesses.
A majority of teenagers look online for health information. Click to learn more.