Parents can make children aware of junk food advertisements and regard them with a critical eye. That empowers children to make better choices. Click to learn more. 7 ways parents can fight junk food ads Updated 16 March 2016 at 02:39 pm by FamiLife Staff
If you replace one serving of a sugary drink daily with water or unsweetened tea or coffee, you could lower diabetes risk, a study found. Click to read more. Lower diabetes risk with just one glass of water Updated 16 March 2016 at 02:34 pm by FamiLife Staff
When it comes to CBSE results, there is no difference between a kid who scores 90 and one who scores 95. This has to be accepted by the parents and students. CBSE results are not the end of the world. Really! Updated 16 March 2016 at 02:21 pm by FamiLife Staff