With poor knowledge of nutrition, villagers don't know what their bodies need in order to be healthy and deficiency diseases.
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Skip to contentWith poor knowledge of nutrition, villagers don't know what their bodies need in order to be healthy and deficiency diseases.
Emergency contraception can help prevent many unwanted pregnancies. However, poorly researched articles like one published by The Hindu spread misinformation and can end up harming women.
Young women use social media to look at themselves as objects and compare their appearance to their friends and peers. This is not healthy for their self esteem. Click to read more.
Pregnant women have lowered immunity and even the seasonal flu can pose major risks. India's gynaecological group urges pregnant women to get the flu vaccine.
Many women who have a miscarriage blame themselves. However, miscarriages are quite common and often they are caused by factors beyond the woman's control.
A Canadian woman got the shock of her life on a flight to Japan when she gave surprise birth to a baby while flying over the Pacific Ocean. Click to read more.
Exposure to women scientists in classrooms and workplaces is raising awareness that women belong to science just as much as men.
A woman's mood and relationship status plays a much bigger role than hormones in how much she desires to have sex, a study found. Now it's up to the couple.
From simple changes to medical treatments, here are some suggestions that may help relieve heartburn during pregnancy.
A study finds that women bear the brunt of household responsibilities when a baby is born, even though both men and women think they are sharing it equally.
Many women feel guilt and shame when they miscarry, but according to the best medical research, women should not blame themselves. In most cases of miscarriage, there is nothing a woman can do to prevent it.
Many people believe that children of working mothers are worse off. Many studies show otherwise.
Painful sexual intercourse is a sensitive topic among women in India and many experience it at some stage of their lives. Here are certain ways to deal with it.
Many have long suspected that alcohol, in addition to being calorific itself, isn't a dieter's best friend as it can lead to binge eating. Click to learn more
In case you needed it, research finds that eating the placenta after a birth has no benefit to a woman, and may cause harm. Click to read more.
Every pregnancy is different and it varies from woman to woman. In addition to a missed period here are the most common early signs of pregnancy.
Girls lose friends when they have sex but gain friends when they just make out. For boys it's the opposite. It's all about keeping score in the sex games.
Research shows that increase in hormones during pregnancy affects memory. This may affect the use of hormone replacement therapy for postmenopausal women.
Vaccinations for pregnant women are not only safe but they are necessary to keep both mother and foetus healthy.
Experts say that unless you have complications, getting exercise during pregnancy can benefit you throughout your pregnancy and with your delivery.
Girls do better than boys in elementary school math tests, but more men enter math-related jobs. An ego boost may help get more women in science.