Having more sex for science isn’t satisfying says science

Sex articles published during a single day

Sex articles published during a single day

Today’s culture places more importance on sex than ever before. Many newspapers and magazines get very hot and bothered publishing articles in nearly every issue on how to have better sex more often in more positions in more places. All this could be attributed to the fact that scientific research has been claiming that regular intercourse makes one a happier person, or even a healthier one. But could it be that the cause is actually an effect? Could being healthy or happy make you more likely to want to have sex?

A new study by Carnegie Mellon University researchers looked at whether, indeed, more sex led to increased happiness. The experiment involved participants aged between 35-65 years who were in heterosexual, married relationships. The participating couples were split into two groups, one with no guidelines on sexual frequency and a second group which was asked to double the number of times they had sex each week. During the course of the study, which lasted 3 months, participants had to answer surveys regarding their health, happiness levels and the frequency, type and satisfaction of sex.

So what did the researchers find? Surprisingly, having more sex did not make for happier couples. In fact, for those couples who were doing it more often, the level of happiness showed a small decline and they generally had less sexual inclination and enjoyment. The researchers think out that it could be that desire and enjoyment decreased because couples were instructed to have more sex rather than it being an organic decision.

“Perhaps couples changed the story they told themselves about why they were having sex, from an activity voluntarily engaged in to one that was part of a research study. If we ran the study again, and could afford to do it, we would try to encourage subjects into initiating more sex in ways that put them in a sexy frame of mind, perhaps with baby-sitting, hotel rooms or Egyptian sheets, rather than directing them to do so,” said George Loewenstein, the study’s lead investigator and professor of Economics and Psychology.

The good news is that we can all join this experiment at home. For science. So, dear readers, go buy some fancy bedsheets and get to work. Report back on whether you are happier after increasing your activity than before you started.

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