Photo: Mitgirl | Dreamstime.com
Most parents would much rather nip a tantrum in the bud than deal with a kicking and screaming toddler. But that is easier said than done, and if you miss just a few crucial signs you will find your little over the edge and flat out on the floor, refusing to listen to reason. If you’re having a hard time understanding the triggers to your child’s ill-tempered fits, this guide can help you avoid future fall-outs.
A change in routine: This can disrupt any child’s mood. Being hungry or tired can set off even the most well-behaved children so make sure you carry snacks and water for them if you plan on being out a long time. Also, if your child still takes naps, try to schedule outings so as not to interrupt their regular nap time.
Getting ill: Sometimes, even before physical symptoms manifest, you may notice that your child’s mood is low and they may be extra cranky. Keep in mind that young children have a hard time expressing what they are feeling physically so you’ll have to look for signs that your child is unwell. Allow him enough rest and don’t force him to exert when he is feeling down.
Monotony: Kids need to be busy. A bored child is more likely to get cranky and demand your attention with a tantrum. If you notice your child getting antsy, suggest things you can do together such as play games, do crafts or go out to the park. If you are taking them on errands, carrying small toys or involving them in your work can keep boredom at bay.
Lack of attention: Your child may act out if he feels like you do not care enough for him. It’s just a way for him to get your notice, even if it is in a negative way. Keep an eye out for behavior that suggests this such as them telling on their siblings or rough handling younger siblings. Make sure that you spend quality time with them – even if it’s doing household chores together – and include lots of physical affection so that he feels secure.
Feeling embarrassed: Feeling vulnerable can make kids act out as a defense mechanism. Even when reprimanding a child, never make her feel inferior. If your child feels bad easily, try to build her confidence by focusing on her strengths and encouraging her in activities she is comfortable and does well in.
The way you behave: It’s important to remember that the way we handle life situations also teaches our children how to deal with difficulty and stress. So dealing with troubles in a constructive and positive way can have a beneficial impact on your offspring.
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