According to a study, a spouse's stress increases blood pressure in men. Click to read more.
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Skip to contentAccording to a study, a spouse's stress increases blood pressure in men. Click to read more.
In an online fundraising drive that was nothing like a swayamvar, men still competed to appear more generous, especially if the person receiving the money was an attractive female. Men are creatures of evolution.
In a stunning finding, researchers report that couples who had more sex for the purposes of an experiment didn't become happier. Click to read more.
Experiences that incite awe in us can benefit our health and friendships. Click to be amazed!
A woman's mood and relationship status plays a much bigger role than hormones in how much she desires to have sex, a study found. Now it's up to the couple.
A study finds that women bear the brunt of household responsibilities when a baby is born, even though both men and women think they are sharing it equally.
Researchers found that when people radiate positivity, others want to make friends with them.
A law commission recommendation would change child custody laws to allow, for the first time, joint custody in the case of divorce.
Here are some ways to help your kids cope with emotional stress.
Painful sexual intercourse is a sensitive topic among women in India and many experience it at some stage of their lives. Here are certain ways to deal with it.
Whether it's love at first sight or beauty getting to know the beast, long-term relationship happiness has nothing to do with how you met.
A wife's physical health impacts her husband's quality of life and vice-versa. Click to know how aging couples affect each other’s quality of life.
Here’s how you can teach your child to keep their negative impulses in check and learn how to make friends.
A trial educational program found a positive effect in changing the way teenage and young men think about women, which could help reduce rape culture.