Obese children are more prone to becoming overweight adults and increase their risks of developing heart disease, cancers, diabetes.
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Skip to contentObese children are more prone to becoming overweight adults and increase their risks of developing heart disease, cancers, diabetes.
Parents who want their kids to eat vegetables can try a new tactic. A study found that kids were four times more likely to so if they grew the vegetables.
Bullying has a strong negative effect on children's self-esteem and mental well-being that can take years to overcome
It's not just adults, even children can be depressed. Learn more about the signs of childhood depression.
Bad habits are hard to break. Being honest with your children about yours while still enforcing good habits may be beneficial in the long run.
Young women use social media to look at themselves as objects and compare their appearance to their friends and peers. This is not healthy for their self esteem. Click to read more.
Kids don't need all their problems solved for them. Rather, parents need to coach them on how to deal with problems and learn to be self reliant. Click to read more.
In an online fundraising drive that was nothing like a swayamvar, men still competed to appear more generous, especially if the person receiving the money was an attractive female. Men are creatures of evolution.
Dealing with trauma or conflict is something that everyone has to go through some time. However, it can be overwhelming for children. Click to read more.
In a stunning finding, researchers report that couples who had more sex for the purposes of an experiment didn't become happier. Click to read more.
When one restaurant replaced unhealthy items with healthier options, orders of healthy foods increased and the restaurant's revenue continued to grow.
As you worry about the perfect cot or chew sticks, don'f forget that you also need to train your puppy. The sooner you start the easier it will be.
A Canadian woman got the shock of her life on a flight to Japan when she gave surprise birth to a baby while flying over the Pacific Ocean. Click to read more.
Study says sleepwalking in children is seven times more likely if both the parents have a history of it. Click to read more.
Indulging your appetite on a short holiday may not seem like a big deal. However, binge eating on high-fat food can disrupt your metabolism. Click to read more.
Children's reading skills drop over summer holidays, even though they are assigned books to read. But kids who choose their books improve reading skills. Click to learn more.
Getting children to pay attention in class for long periods is a challenge for any teacher, but giving them standing desks seems to help. Click to read more.
Experiences that incite awe in us can benefit our health and friendships. Click to be amazed!
New research indicates that a daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids, like in fish oil, can help children control their outbursts. Click to read more.
There was time in human evolution when a mother's older children started helping raise their younger siblings, which continues to present day.
If your pre-teen or adolescent is rude to you and argues about everything you say, your work in guiding them to adulthood is just beginning. Click to read more.